Nothing to see here...yet...

I must admit at this point that I'm feeling a slight sense of frustration. I managed another six thousand words today – I'll well in advance on the alternate history project now, and as writing practice, it is proving extraordinarily effective, but I'm significantly behind on my reading schedule. I've decided to bite the bullet...and drop the schedule, for the moment, instead switching back to what I probably should have done in the first place – go back home to Howard. So're going to get at least the first part of that Kull retrospective. For I will start with Kull, then work through Conan, before finishing off with this historicals.

I have been getting fascinated lately with the potential for 'historical sword and sorcery'. There have certainly been a few books in the style of lately – Lion of Cairo, for example, which embarrassingly is also on my 'to be read' pile, and some of my favourite Howard works are the historicals such as Cormac Mac Art and Bran Mak Morn. Increasingly I am tempted to play around in that genre for a bit; I certainly have the material I would need on my bookshelves to do a pretty good job of it. Two periods have leapt out at me of late; the Roman Empire and the time of the Norman Conquest. (That Marc Morris book really was excellent.)

So Howard first, then I make the decision, then...hopefully...turn this rhetoric into more positive, practical action.

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