we live in a world where this is real. That is a truly amazing thing.
what is coming up over the next few years is just as amazing. In two
years from now, New Horizons flies past Pluto and its moons, giving
us our first close-up look at a Kuiper Belt object, and that promises
to provide a major step forward for planetology. Within the same
time-frame, the first suborbital tourist flights will have taken
place, bringing the stars just a little bit closer for all of us. The
Rosetta probe is about to conduct the closest ever examination of a
comet in November next year, and that should provide us with a lot of
interesting information about a critical part of our solar system.
the decade, private companies will be opening up access to space, at
a fraction of the cost of anything NASA provided. Don't get me wrong
– I loved Shuttle, it was a magnificent creation, but in my opinion
it was a huge mis-step. If those funds had gone to keeping the
Apollo/Saturn production lines open, then we'd have something at a
cost comparable to Soyuz, but capable of a much wider range of
capabilities. Never mind, we're getting them back again; SpaceX is
slated to have its heavy-lift booster well within the decade, as well
as its manned missions, and Boeing's running along similar lines. ISS
is scheduled to be retired in 2020...but will it?
Russians are already considering detaching their elements with a new
core module to create a new space station specifically intended to
service longer-ranged exploratory missions – the Moon and Mars.
It's quite true that some elements of Station will be showing their
age by then, heck, some of them are now, as the recent ammonia leak
suggests. Other modules are a lot newer, though – even if the
Station itself is abandoned and de-orbited, I can certainly see the
Russian idea adopted for other modules, maybe even for Space Station
II. (Launched by private companies, most likely, but it's going to
happen. Probably with a four-star-hotel module, but it'll happen.)
in a period analogous to the gap between Apollo and Shuttle. Soyuz is
beginning to show its age a little, but a recent upgrade seems to be
going well, and it isn't as if they're reusing the modules. (Side bet
– once private manned space kicks in, someone will licence Soyuz.
The Russians would likely go for it if the money could be used to
finance their next-generation capsule, whatever they are calling it
this week.)
predictions for 2020 in space?
- At least two space stations in orbit. (Out of three possibles – ISS, Chinese, Commercial. I wouldn't rule out the Russian OPSEK just yet, but it's very dependent on what happens with the Space Station Consortium.)
- A return to lunar orbit, probably as a tourist flight. (A bit risky this one, but within the limits of the hardware.)
- Private manned space flights that are not government-sponsored. (Corporate research, tourism, lots of possibles here. Unlikely a monopoly on space will last very long.)
- No manned landing on Mars. (Disappointing...but practical. We could do it – and I'm an optimist who expects it by 2030. The technology will be there by then in spades.)
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