this month I'm doing a batch of playthrough/reviews of classic
gamebooks – as a part of my 'warm-up for fantasy' period – and
I've decided to start with one I had really fond memories of from my
childhood, that in many ways was the quintessential 'Fighting
Fantasy' book for me – the 'Sorcery!' series. This consisted of
four books, all of which following the adventures of a hero wandering
the lands of Kakhabad in a bid to recover the Crown of Kings from the
evil Archmage
who has stolen it.
see who braves the first book, and ventures into the Shamutanti
Hills. Skill...8. Oh, god. This one is going to be difficult. Stamina
19, a totally average roll. Pray for Luck. My prayers are not
answered. My Luck is 7. Wow, is this guy the best they could send on
this adventure? There
are two options here – to play as a Warrior or a Wizard, with a
wide array of spells – all the run-throughs I've seen have play as
a Wizard, so I'm going to be a bit different and play as a Warrior.
Libra help me. I start with two Provisions and twenty Gold Pieces;
that's something I guess. So here I go. (Lots of Spoilers, BTW)
character is given bread and goat's milk as his last meal. At this
stage I'm wondering if the Archmage is recruiting. I am apparently a
'worthy champion'...they have really low standards, it seems. A short
walk beyond the 'Great Wall of Analand' that defends the kingdom from
raiders I find...a sleepy little village. Selling me goat's cheese.
What is it with the goats? At least a wandering beggar gave me a page
from a Spell Book. Pity I'm not a Wizard...
a quiet spot to rest for the night, I spot some fairies dancing among
the trees. Being a weakling, I opt to hide...and my Luck actually is
with me! I manage to hide from them and get a good night's sleep. In
the morning, I set off, heading into dense undergrowth, and ominously
I have to Test my Luck again. This time I am not so lucky, falling
head-first into a pit and waking to see a group of head-hunters
dancing around me. I am, apparently, dinner – but I pray to Libra,
and she puts their fire out with a rain storm, allowing me to escape.
So far I am surviving on blind luck and divine inspiration; this does
not bode well.
into the undergrowth, I manage to stumble across a bear – and
making soft, soothing noises, I try and inch my way around it,
continuing my non-violent approach to heroism. This fails. It turns
out to be a Skunkbear – ouch! I actually have a slight edge on it
for Skill, but it's stink gives it an advantage. I'm rather badly
hurt, but I win! Guess I am a champion! I've killed a large skunk. I
just hope that all the other enemies I am to face are of similar
calibre. Blundering into a small village, where the locals seemingly
ignore my odour, I get a room for the night, and a combination of
food and a soft bed brings me back up to full Stamina. I hope I was
able to get a bath, as well.
down the lane, heading westwards – because I momentarily forgot I
was supposed to be going east
– I stumble across a hut. I get the option to 'leave well alone',
but despite being tempted, I entered. Inside is a pretty woman in a
cage; now, I've read enough fairy stories to know that she must be an
evil witch, so in the cage she stays! Heroically I loot the cabin –
but get only 2 gold pieces, and am cursed for the loss of 2 Skill
points. Well, I was right about her being a witch, but...crap. Good
as dead in a fight with anything with arms.
to another village. For the 'dreaded badlands filled with danger',
there are a lot
of sleepy villages around. I see a group of hill-folk talking in a
group, and to join them, it seems I must put down my weapon. That
can't go wrong, can it. As it turns out, peace is worth it! I get
back two Luck points...but then I make a rude remark and have to flee
the village, leaving my sword behind. I now have an effective Skill
of 2! Mental note – in future, speak to no-one. I camp for the
night, jumping at every animal sound and insect. Fortunately, no
wandering monsters attack. Just as well, I'd only have harsh language
to throw at them right now.
village – a leper colony! I can't afford to be choosy, and most of
them could probably beat me in a fight, so I talk to them. And catch
the plague.
This adventure is going great.
Cursed, unarmed, and now diseased. Analand really chose well when
sending me out. Leaving, I manage to befriend a little sprite, and
much to my surprise he doesn't mug me. Probably I don't have anything
worth stealing. He takes me to yet another village, where I visit a
Crystal Fountain, in the desperate hope for healing. Naturally, this
tourist attraction charges; I pay and enter. It works! I am cured of
the plague! Still cursed, though. And I get ripped off at the inn.
the village, this time I remember I'm supposed to be heading east. My
sprite – a Minimite named Jann, assures me I am on the fastest path
to the village. I trust him. That is a mistake – I am then killed
by the Black Lotus. Crap.
that first attempt was a disaster. Time for Take Two. My new
adventurer has Skill 10, Stamina 17, and Luck 10; I conclude that the
first one was a decoy, as in the film Spies
Like Us.
More goat's milk as I set out again, this time with a spring in my
step of one who might actually have a chance at getting
to Khare, the start of Book 2. Once more I set forth on the road,
heading to buy more goat at the first village. Sigh. Last
time I took the low road, this time I take the high road, camping on
top of a ridge. My blissful nap is disturbed by a Werewolf! My last
character would have died almost instantly, but this time I kill it –
though it got some blows at me first.
on into the hills, I find some Goblin heads on a stick. Lovely. This
is a warning to go no further down a path – but there two paths,
and I have no idea which one I shouldn't travel down. Sigh. If I
knew, I'd avoid it. I go right, hoping I've made the right call. I
probably haven't; there are a load of Goblins working a mine up here,
and I seem to have walked into them. I can slip into the cave to see
if there is anything worth taking – I think it is probably worth a
try. Inside I find a Goblin sitting behind a desk. A desk. What, he's
doing his taxes?
resultant fight is over quickly; my LibreOffice outdoes his Excel. He
had a Key around his neck with a number on it – resisting the
temptation to go to that paragraph, I press on into the dungeon.
Typically shoddy Goblin craftsmanship – the damn roof falls on me,
and then I stumble into a pit. Finally I get some treasure –
fur-lined boots. What the hell are they mining here? Still, the road
goes ever onward, and I find somewhere to spend the night.
next morning, I head out again, and have to choose whether to get a
lift from a cart or give alms to a beggar. No choice – I pay the
beggar. The driver would have probably got lost, or tried to feed me
more goat, or something. My reward for this generosity is a key, with
a strong hint that it will be needed in the next book – and I have
two of these keys now! Success for me! My head held high, I walk on,
heading for some woods. I have a feeling I know what is coming. I am
mildly curious what will happen if I help the witch...maybe the
Goblin's key will help. It doesn't, so I use brute force. It opens
with the first smash, but I blunt my sword in the process.
wants to help
me? I can get help in combat or a magical item. Tough call, but I go
with the help
in combat – and get Ragnar's Armband of Swordmastery! A bonus to my
attacks when using a Sword – brilliant! Suddenly I feel as if I
really have a chance this time. Then she gives me gold...and summons
a Wood Golem to attack me. What the hell? You just gave me a weapon
bonus, then unless evil monsters on me. Sigh. To be fair, the
resultant combat is quick enough that I suspect she just wanted some
firewood. She could have asked.
spend the night in another village, and set off early in the morning.
This time I avoid getting the plague, and walk onwards, finding the
same bloody sprite that led me to my death last time. I don't get the
option to swat him, and put up with him on my shoulder. I get ripped
off at the inn again, and this time avoid
the Black Lotus, instead being challenged on the road by a tall guy.
I just hope he doesn't have a flesh wound. Talking fails, so I fight
him instead. Apparently, beating him to a pulp earned his friendship
– now a guy named 'Flanker' will help me in Khare. I seem to be
warming up nicely for Book 2. I must almost be at the city by now...
see an old woman who invites me in, offering some tea. Naturally, I
switch my mug for hers when she isn't looking. This was, however,
what she was expecting. Fortunately, I have the missing page from her
Spellbook, and I don't get turned into a newt. I get the opportunity
to ditch Jann...but he might be useful, and I don't cast spells
anyway – which he would prevent, so I keep him. The road leads me
to a man-orc village, where everyone seems distressed. Maybe a
sing-song? Apparently the chief's daughter needs to get married...oh,
God. I've seen this episode of Red Dwarf. Too late...
my fate, I get a good night's sleep, and am woken with bread and milk
brought in by the chief – who seems a nice guy for a prospective
father-in-law. Breakfast in bed – even if it is in a cell!
Apparently he wants me to fight a demon. Well, why not. What's the
worst that can happen, huh? I get dumped into a dungeon, and start
looking around. And fall into a snake pit, and have to call for help
from Libra; fortunately this character hasn't burned that option. The
snakes form a ladder, and I climb it to safety! Taking the other
path, I find the lost girl! Woot! Now I just need to escape.
there is a Manticore in the way. This looks bad. It's
tougher than me with a nasty sting attack – but with a single
Stamina point
remaining, I win. I just hope there are no more problems waiting for
me, or I am dead. A sharp stone could do it at this point, but this
has all the hallmarks of 'end of level boss'. It is! I have saved the
girl, and don't have to marry her – and get yet another key, as
well as another point of Initial
Luck! With a fatter pouch of gold and three keys rattling from chains
around my neck – and that git of a Minimite swatted by a local
priest, I make my way to the gates of the Cityport of Traps,
Khare...but that's another story.
was great. An excellent romp, and I loved it. These Sorcery books
really had everything that made Fighting Fantasy great, with the
extra additions of a wonderful adventure to boot. I'm already looking
forward to Book 2 – but while I completed this one back in the day,
I never got through Khare, so trepidation awaits....
Skill: 10
Stamina: 17
Luck: 11
Gold and Treasure
(Provisions: 0)
(Dented, -1 to Skill)
Numbered 111
Numbered 206
Numbered 12
Skin Boots (Borrinskin)
Armband of Swordmastery (+2 to Attack Strength using a Sword)
Bonuses, Penalties, Curses
of Flanker (79 in Book 2)
and Notes
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