The Shape Of Things To Come

Well, I hit the wall on Battle of Hercules a little early, but it's back on a straight course now and on target for a mid-April release date. Much to my own surprise, I've ended up with another new POV character, one of Alamo's Espatier contingent...really a surprise, because when I planned this one out, I had it as a two POV book, Marshall and Orlova. This time I wanted to show the 'lower decks' a bit more though, and it's fitting nicely into the book, in any case. It's always interesting getting into the head of a new character, especially when he ends up with a plot arc...

Once this is finished, then it is on to Spitfire Station; the cover for that one is on its way, I've seen the initial proofs, and they look excellent – obviously I'll be showing that here as soon as it arrives. That one is pretty fixed in my head now, and I'm shooting for an end of May/start of June release date for it. This one will probably be a two-POV book, Logan Winter naturally being one, and the other being <redacted>.

Beyond that? Well, I have outlined in my head two more Alamo novel – 'Sacred Honor' and 'Wounded Beast' are the current titles of those, another Spitfire novel, 'Double or Nothing', and a series of novellas – which right now has the provisional title of 'Home Front'. This last will cover some of the characters left behind as Alamo went off in 'Not One Step Back', as well as adding more depth to the ongoing plot arc. That's six books in total, and as things stand, all of them should be out by the end of the year.

I've got an extra one in mind, and I'd like to throw this one out a little. Last night I was watching the documentary feature on the 'Red Dwarf X' DVD – which, by the way, I can heartily recommend – and it occurred to me that I might do something similar with Battlecruiser Alamo. Essentially, the 'Making Of'. I've read a couple of similar books in the past, and liked them, and it's the sort of project that I think might be fun. Right now I have only a vague idea of what would go in such a book, and the notion that I would like it completed by the end of the year, so any thoughts or suggestions would be extremely welcome. More on this one to come, because I rather like the idea...

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