A Long Overdue Update...

I'm sorry that it's been a long time since I've posted anything on this blog, and I wish I could tell you that matters will improve in the near-future, but right now I'm slap-bang in the middle of moving half-way across the country; papers are being signed, vans hired, and all manner of crazy madness to get my library and I to its new home. I'm very much looking forward to all of that being over in the near future, I must admit! Still, it will be an improvement, not least in that I will have space for a proper office, which is going to – I hope anyway – boost my output significantly.

I'm about twelve thousand words away from finishing the draft of Sacred Honor right now, bang-slap in the middle of the mayhem that leads to the conclusion, and everything is going well so far; I expect to have it completed by next week, and hope to have it on sale on the 22nd of this month. And yes, this means that I decided to work on a new novel while I am moving house, though I will be taking a month off to actually do the move itself. There will be another Alamo, as yet with no fixed name, that I will be working on in September; counting Sacred Honor, you can expect to see three more Alamo books this year.

Had the first couple of reviews of Spitfire Station, and thus far they've been pretty good – there is going to be at least one more of those, I think, as well as at least one of the other planned spinoff, Eagle Squadron, though with the move dragging on, that might be a 'next year' project unless I can squeeze it in before. More on that later, but I'm hoping that my 2015 output will be better than it has been in 2014; this year's gone rather crazy on me, one way or another.

Once the move is completed, say by the start of September, I'm going to take the opportunity to do a little bit of housecleaning around here on the blog, and try and be quite a bit more active than I have been in the past; I've got a backlog of stuff I want to do, and I'm eager to get cracking on it, but the novels have to come first, always, and the other free time I have right now is all being focused on the move to the North. I'd like to try and do a blog post every day, for starters, rather than the 'once in a blue moon' schedule I'm managing at the moment. Many more things afoot then, I hope, but details are to follow...hopefully soon...

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